Just remembered 'bout an advertisment of a language course which show a fish with dog sound, when a cat get closer, and then a banner shown "need to learn other language?" So great effort I think, to aware all people how important mastering other language. Simply, by them, we can understand other opinion to bring their 'sound' to make it to be stereo, to open our eyes widely, to sharpen our feeling with new taste...
May be I am not so talent in this side, becuase till today, just a little bit can be understood or just in minimum standard to make a communication. About 8 years ago, when started learning english, never have an imagination to go abroad, just forced by a big motivation to answer a question, "why I can not speak english". Ya, so simple question, but difficult to be answered. Today, I realize that other languages are so important to be mastered by teacher, not only for english teacher. So many references that wrote in english, so many sites write in english, so many movie for teaching learning, also in english. So how can we understand the content without hold the key.
As my life run, though, a language is not enough. I need other language, nihon go. Greedy?? May be, just to use the chance given by God. Unfortunately, my brain is so full, so stupid, so slow. Look like a computer, may be same as pentium I, so slow in understanding it. Here, english is like in Indonesia, no one doubt about ability in english as far can speak their own language well. So, people who able to speak in english are rare even the proffesor.
Briefly, Nihon go is important since all literatures at school are in this language. Little bit different with our country, which so many english source book can be got easily, here, difficult. The other reason, may be you know, almost all my little friends, so hypnotized by some thing 'smell' Japan which finally gives their hope, some day they want to be a cartoonist or animania, someday, they want follow me, come here.. yokoso Japan.
Truely hard in middle age like me, but let me try to keep my mind and spirit, let me do my best here. Someday, I'll transfer it to you.. my little friend...
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